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Risk Assessment


Lending Strategy

We identify attractive renewable technologies and locations from which to source lending opportunities.

We combine the experience of our team of property and renewable energy finance with market intelligence to help develop a lending strategy which informs the clients we work with.

Borrower Due Diligence and Credit Check

We filter third-party borrowers based on previous track record and suitability which meet our criteria for lending.

All borrowers undergo a series of rigorous due diligence processes and credit checks to assess their suitability, filtering out incompatible borrowers at each stage. We conduct third-party reviews, which can include legal, valuation and survey diligence.


Independent Due Diligence

We always use external due diligence specialists to

review every deal independently.

We use independent external due diligence consultants to assess the viability of any project and verify the internal diligence process.

Loan Assessment

We only progress deals which exceed our criteria assessment tool.

We implement our criteria assessment tool which allows us to highlight the risk level of a loan opportunity and also inform to a certain degree the financial feasibility of the debt.

Assessment: Services

The Project Vetting Process

Our rigorous vetting process ensures that every project meets our standards and criteria for financing. Here, at Mountview Private Finance, we have developed a unique risk assessment process which we apply to all potential projects when deciding whether or not they make it onto our portfolio.

Financial Analysis

  • Profit Margins

  • Contingency Planning

  • Accurate Comparables

  • Financial Scrutiny

Project Quality: Security

  • Technology

  • Quality of Take-Off

  • Quality of Feedstock

  • Planning & Permits

Independent Due Diligence

  • Title Checks

  • Independent Valuation

  • Individual Checks

  • Monitoring Reports

Borrower's Track Record

  • Background Checks

  • Credit Checks

  • Reference Checks

  • Historical Experience

Assessment: List
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